While we are just months into the new triennium, much has been accomplished since the 13th meeting of the Parties where Parties adopted a number of important resolutions to ensure the conservation and wise use of wetlands.
COP13 has established the road map for the future of the Ramsar Convention and defined the mandate for the Secretariat’s work. In January the Secretariat gathered for a one-week working session to review the requests from Contracting Parties and on this basis developed its Work Plan for next triennium. The new format focusses on seven key functions of the Convention and provides a more coherent, joined-up and accountable framework. In February we celebrated World Wetlands Day; this year governments, educational institutions, local communities, non-governmental organizations and the general public joined together as one voice expressing that we are not powerless against climate change and, that every action counts whether it be on a local or national level. More than a thousand events and activities took place across the world. In March the Secretariat completed the nomination process defined by the COP for the new Scientific and Technical Review Panel. From 18 to 22 March we hosted and facilitated the new STRP and its first meeting. Under the leadership of the new Chair David Stroud and Vice Chair Lisa Rebelo, the Panel has drafted its work plan for this triennium, which will be presented to the Standing Committee in June for its consideration and approval. High priority tasks were proposed in line with the priorities established by the COP13 and the Strategic Plan and taking into account the need to have significant policy relevance to other international agreements, have high potential for outreach and address pressing conservation needs. I am highly appreciative of what has been achieved. The work of the STRP is critical to make the case for wetlands and to develop guidance for their conservation and wise use. In the weeks leading to next Standing Committee 57, the Secretariat is fully focused in its preparation. We look forward to fruitful discussions and decisions from Contracting Parties on a range of matters including identification of the most urgent challenges facing wetlands and how to review the Convention’s strategic plan to address these issues in the context of the global policy agenda, and identify ways to enhance the effectiveness of the Convention and its implementation. The Global Wetland Outlook has informed the global community on the state of wetlands. This triennium is pivotal to ensure that the value of wetlands is recognized and integrated in national and international plans for the 2013 Sustainable Development Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals, and for climate change. I very much look forward to working with the new Standing Committee and Parties and support their work in this new triennium. Martha Rojas Urrego
Photo: Avijit Ghosh, Winner Youth Category, WWD Photo Contest 2019 |