Funding Organizations

This database lists organizations from the public and private sector that fund or invest in projects promoting wetland conservation, wise use and restoration. This database is not exhaustive, it serves as a directory for people searching for possible funders. Email to suggest updates or additions to the Database.

Displaying 76 - 100 of 134
Name Short Name Organization type Areas of support Grant size Geographic interest Website
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) IFAD NGO/INGO IFAD grants, support agricultural research, innovation, institutional change and pro-poor technologies. Grant recipients include research organizations, centres of excellence involved in rural poverty reduction, NGOs, governments, private sector and civil society organizations. IFAD extends two types of grants, depending on the nature of the innovation and the scope of intervention: global or regional and country-specific.
No Information Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, Latin America and the Caribbean Website
IUCN Grants Portal NGO/INGO The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is a membership Union that brings together the world’s most influential organisations and top experts to conserve nature and accelerate the transition to sustainable development. $50-100K Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, Latin America and the Caribbean Website
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) JICA JICA conducts various forms of cooperation in accordance with the development stage of each developing country or region. Within that assistance, JICA gives priority to preventive measures and emphasizes the establishment of environmental management system through a capacity development approach. JICA puts emphasis on enhancing the capacity of organizations and individuals for better environmental management. Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania, Latin America and the Caribbean Website
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation MacFound Foundation Conservation & Sustainable Development: Grantmaking supported preserving ecosystems and species, and promoting development that respects the environment No Information Africa, Asia, North America Website
JRS Biodiversiy Foundation Foundation The JRS Biodiversity Foundation is an independent grantmaking foundation based in the United States that awards grants to increase the access to and use of biodiversity information in sub-Saharan Africa. $50-100K Africa Website
Legacy Landscape Fund LLF Foundation Our mission is to safeguard outstanding biodiversity by promoting nature conservation and the preservation of ecosystem services in globally significant conservation areas, while working with local communities and respecting their rights and needs. In collaboration with a wide range of partners and funders, and acknowledging international best practices, the LLF provides long-term financial support to the management costs of globally significant legacy landscapes. No Information Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, Latin America and the Caribbean Website
Livelihoods Funds Company The Livelihoods Investment Funds established by private companies, create social, environmental and economic value to improve the livelihoods of rural communities through a variety of projects developed in Africa, Asia and Latin America. The Livelihoods Carbon Funds (LCF) created in 2017, finances large-scale mangrove restoration, agroforestry and rural energy projects. LCF2 provides upfront financing to project developers for large-scale project implementation and maintenance over periods of 10 to 20 years. The investors receive result-based payments for the risks they bear in the form of carbon credits.
$1M+ Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, Latin America and the Caribbean Website
Mangroves for the Future MFF NGO/INGO Mangroves for the Future (MFF) promotes investment in coastal ecosystem conservation for sustainable development. MFF offers small, medium and large size grants to initiatives that address long-term sustainable coastal ecosystem management in its member countries. Focus areas include;
- Climate change adaptation and mitigation,
- Disaster risk reduction
- Promotion of ecosystem health
- Development of sustainable livelihoods
- Active engagement of the private sector in developing sustainable business practices.
$100K-1M Asia Website
Molson Coors Company Molson Coors is a beer brewing company. Signatory of the UN Global Compact the Company through partnerships promotes water stewardship, protects and restores watersheds in areas where Coors breweries are located. No Information Website
Nestle Company Interested in watershed protection and conservation projects that will create shared value for Nestle and the community. Also interested in projects that result in more sustainable water use in agricultural supply chains. $100K-1M Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, Latin America and the Caribbean Website
Oak Foundation OAK Foundation The Oak Foundation through its Environment Programme, offers grants that support innovative solutions to climate change, marine conservation, wildlife conservation and trade. No Information Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, Latin America and the Caribbean Website
Overbrook Foundation Foundation The Overbrook Foundation through its Environment Program supports projects focusing on biodiversity conservation in Latin America, and sustainable production and consumption in the United States. Several grants are also awarded for specific climate change initiatives and to organizations using media to increase public awareness of environmental issues.
$1M+ North America, Latin America and the Caribbean Website
Patagonia International Patagonia Company Patagonia’s Grants Programme supports grassroots organizations working on mulit-pronged campaigns to protect the environment. No Information Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, Latin America and the Caribbean Website
Pentair Kingspan Company Pentair and the Pentair Foundation engage in grant making that focuses on initiatives that provide sustainable access to water, education on water safety and addressing community needs, mainly in locations where the Company operates. No Information Website
PepsiCo Foundation Company The Foundation seeks to invest in the essential elements of a sustainable food system - helping to alleviate hunger, manage water and waste responsibly as well as support women as champions of nutrition from farm to family. $100K-1M Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, Latin America and the Caribbean Website
Pictet Charitable Foundation Foundation The Pictet Group Charitable Foundation provides support to projects that help disadvantaged communities in developing countries, in the fields of humanitarian aid, youth work and education. No Information Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, Latin America and the Caribbean Website
Prespa Ohrid Nature Trust PONT Foundation PONT enables protected areas in the Wider Prespa-Ohrid region to develop and implement their management plans and to conserve the environment through sustainable co-financing of operational costs. PONT supports the development and use of standard operational planning and reporting systems for the implementation of proprietary protected area programmes. Standardised biodiversity monitoring systems are developed in which data collection, data analysis and data sharing are supported for habitat management, with an efficient division of what can be done by the protected area staff themselves, local people and what to outsource to third parties. Enabling the protected area staff to increasingly use scientific data in managing the area must be included in the third-party contracts. The inclusion of minimum Natura 2000 requirements will gain importance in the coming years. The protected area authorities are supported with their operations and organisational development to make the organisations more robust and capable of sourcing third party funding. Europe Website
Ramsar Regional Center - East Asia RRC-EA Other The RRC-EA Wetland Fund is a small grant program that provides complementary support to ongoing and planned national wetland initiatives as a contribution of participating Contracting Parties to the implementation of the Ramsar Convention. The Fund provides small grants for initiatives that can influence policy development and for national, subnational and site level measures related to wetland management, conservation and restoration. Less than $10K Asia Website
Rockefeller Foundation Foundation Working to secure the fundamentals of human well-being around the world.
Water access: Water stewardship access and management link to article
Resilient Cities:
$1M+ Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, Latin America and the Caribbean Website
S.D. Bechtel Jr. Foundation Foundation The Foundation advances the transition to more sustainable and effective approaches to water and land management. Grants are provided to help develop and scale innovative models; expand the knowledge base; ground resource management in best practice; and support sound policies.
$1M+ North America, Latin America and the Caribbean Website
Salvia Foundation Foundation The Salvia Foundation supports better protection of the global environment based on a holistic study of nature, promotes democracy and supports studies on the phenomenon of consciousness. No Information Website
Scherman Foundation Foundation The Foundation’s Core Fund Environment Program supports a variety of organizations seeking to protect the natural and human environment and to create a sustainable future. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: energy and climate, marine preservation, clean drinking water and urban sustainability $10-50K North America, Latin America and the Caribbean Website
Secunda Family Foundation Foundation The Secunda Foundation is focused on funding conservation, advocacy, capacity building, urban sustainability and sustainable drinking water $100K-1M North America, Latin America and the Caribbean
Shell Company Shell works with environmental and developmental organisations all over the world to reduce its environmental and societal impacts on land and water where it operates. $100K-1M Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, Latin America and the Caribbean Website
Skoll Foundation Skoll NGO/INGO Our vision is to live in a sustainable world of peace and prosperity for all.

The Skoll Foundation catalyzes transformational social change by investing in, connecting, and championing social entrepreneurs and other social innovators who together advance bold and equitable solutions to the world’s most pressing problems.
No Information Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, Latin America and the Caribbean Website