Nagao Wetland Fund (NWF) Online Application

Nagao Wetland Fund (NWF) is a grant scheme jointly launched by the Nagao Natural Environment Foundation (NEF) and the Secretariat of Convention on Wetlands for conservation and wise use of all wetlands by supporting local and national actions in the Asia-Oceania region. The funding is specifically provided to projects that aim to implement the overall goals and targets of the Ramsar Strategic Plan 2016 – 2024. (Maximum of 30,000 USD per project)


NWF is open for national and local governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, researchers, and local communities of the countries listed on Section 3 “Target Countries and regions” on this link and Contracting Parties in Central and West Asia included in the DAC List available here. Countries that are not yet Contracting Parties to the Convention of Wetlands, but have clearly signaled their intention to join, may apply for grants from the NWF to support activities necessary for the accession process. It should be noted that if resources in the NWF are scarce, such assistance might receive a lower priority than assistance to Contracting Parties.

NOTE: The contact details of the head of the Administrative Authority and National Focal Point of each Contracting Party can be found in our website through this link.

Every proposal shall require an official endorsement from their respective head of the Administrative Authority or the National Focal Point of the Convention. The proof of endorsement to be provided is in the Project Summary and Endorsement Form (also in Section B of ‘Standard Operating Guidelines or SOG’). A Contracting Party, when considering submitting or endorsing a project, should consider how the project fits with its national planning for the implementation of the Convention, and in particular which Target(s) of the Strategic Plan 2016-2024 the project will address. 

Notice for 2025 Call for Proposals

Application Open from 15 February to 1 June 2025 (23:00 CET).

The Asia-Oceania Regional Team of the Secretariat is providing advisory services on the draft proposals from 10 March to 01 April 2025. If interested, please send your draft proposals to during this period. The Team will try to provide feedback on the draft proposals by 16 May 2025.

For tips on how to write a good proposal for this grant, please consider watching the recording of the webinar on the 2023's Call, in YouTube here. All details remain the same, except for the timeline (incl. deadline for proposals). Details on the updated timeline of the 2025 cycle can be found in the Reference Documents below.

Application Documents

  1. Project Proposal (.doc)
  2. Project Summary and Endorsment Form (.doc)

Reference Documents

  1. Strategic Framework (PDF)
  2. Standard Operating Guidelines (SOG) 2025 (PDF) – Contains all information related to NWF
  3. Timeline of the 2025 cycle (PDF)
  4. Project Proposal Assessment (PDF)
  5. Project Contract (for reference) (PDF)
  6. Project Progress Report (template for reference) (.doc)
  7. Project Final Report (template for reference) (.doc)

For Reference, the Successful Project Proposals from previous years are available here.

To Apply fill in the Online Form below

Project Rationale (max. 250 words)
Upload requirements
Upload requirements
Important Note: Please check that the Endorsement Form is signed by the head of the Administrative Authority or the National Focal Point of the Convention of your Country. Remove any special character like quotes and accents from the file name before uploading.
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