Intersessional decisions by the SC and update on discussions regarding SC59 and COP14 dates
Date: 08.06.2021
To: Heads of Administrative Authorities and National Focal Points
Further to previous communications sent to all Parties on Decisions taken by the Standing Committee, the Secretariat is pleased to provide Contracting Parties with a summary of the Decisions taken intersessionally by the Standing Committee from March to May 2021 (attached).
As informed on 20 May, Standing Committee 59 will not take place physically in Gland, Switzerland. The Standing Committee has decided that Standing Committee 59 will take place on line from 22-25 June (details below).
The Standing Committee has identified time-sensitive agenda items to be addressed during the Standing Committee 59 online sessions as follows:
Items agreed during the SC consultation:
- Budgetary matters (agenda item 8),
- Workplan of the Secretariat (agenda item 18),
- World Wetland Day themes (agenda item 17.3),
- Reports of the subgroups and working groups of the Standing Committee
Items for which there is not yet consensus – alternatives in brackets:
- [Draft Resolutions submitted by Contracting Parties] [Procedure and format for the Contracting Parties to present draft resolutions, as the draft resolution content is a topic to be discussed face to face] (agenda item 24),
- [Review of the Rules of Procedure] [procedure and format for the Contracting Parties to review the Rules of Procedure, as the changes to the Rules of Procedure are topics to be discussed face to face] (agenda item 12),
- [Review of all previous Resolutions and decisions] (agenda item 13)
Reopening of a decision taken intersessionally
One Party would like to re-open the Standing Committee intersessional decision 10 from 29 March 2021, on the process for the preparation and review of draft Resolutions presented in document SC58 Doc.20.4 Rev. 5 and has suggested that this matter be added to the agenda. This agenda item would be put for consideration to the Standing Committee members during the adoption of the agenda at the first plenary session of Standing Committee 59. In accordance to Rule 37 when a proposal has been adopted or rejected, it may not be reconsidered at the same meeting, unless the Conference of the Parties, by a two-thirds majority of the Contracting Parties present and voting, decides in favor of reconsideration.
Please note that the agenda will be adopted by the Standing Committee at its first plenary session as per agenda item 2. The provisional agenda is available on the Convention’s website at An updated provisional agenda and Working Programme will be available shortly on the Convention´s website.
Plenary sessions of the Standing Committee
Four plenary online sessions of Standing Committee 59, of three hours each, will be held on 22, 23, 24 and 25 June from 13:00 – 16:00 CET. Simultaneous interpretation in the three official languages of the Convention will be provided for the plenary sessions of the Standing Committee.
SC59 will be preceded by meetings of the Committee’s sub-groups and working groups as follows:
4 June: 13:00 - 15:00; COP14 Subgroup
14 June: 13:00 -15:00; Management Working Group
21 June: 13:00-16:00; Subgroup on Finance
Note that meetings of the subgroups are open to Contracting Parties that are not- members of the Standing Committee.
Membership of the Standing Committee and its sub-groups and working groups are published on the website at
The Secretariat invites Contracting Parties that have not yet preregister to do so as soon as possible at the following personalized link, by 18 June 2021: Link. The link to the preregistration page is personal and connected to your e-mail address, please do not share.
Once you have successfully completed the registration form you will receive a confirmation that your registration has been accepted. The Secretariat will send you an email with further information regarding your attendance in due course.
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Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
28 rue Mauverney, CH-1196 Gland, Switzerland Tel. +41 22 999 0365; fax +41 22 999 0169 |