Standing Committee 2023-2025: Subgroups and Working Groups
Date: 13.12.2022
To: Heads of Administrative Authorities and National Focal Points
The Secretariat would like to inform you of Subgroups and Working Groups established at the 61st meeting of the Standing Committee (SC61) for the 2023-2025 triennium, following the conclusion of the 14th meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties (COP14) and through processes defined in Resolutions. All groups are open to interested Contracting Parties. If your government would like to join any of these groups, please inform the Secretariat at no later than 15 January 2023.
The Management Working Group is composed of the following members in accordance with Resolution X.4 on Establishing a Transition Committee of the Management Working Group:
- United Arab Emirates – as outgoing Standing Committee Chair for the 2018-2022 triennium;
- Sweden – as outgoing Standing Committee Vice-Chair for the 2018-2022 triennium;
- China – as current Standing Committee Chair;
- Gabon – as current Standing Committee Vice-Chair;
- Mexico – as outgoing Chair of the Subgroup on Finance for the 2018-2022 triennium;
- To be determined – as current Chair of the Subgroup on Finance;
- The Chair of the Scientific and Technical Review Panel (STRP) for the current triennium (2023-2025);
- The Chair of the STRP for the previous triennium (2019-2022);
- To be determined – representative of the International Organization Partners;
- The Secretary General – ex officio; and
- Côte d’Ivoire and Switzerland as interested Parties.
The Subgroup on Finance is composed of the following Contracting Parties representing the six Ramsar regions in accordance with Resolution XIV.1 on Financial and budgetary matters:
- Morocco – representing the Africa region;
- Japan – representing the Asia region;
- Georgia (upon confirmation) – representing the Europe region;
- Brazil – representing the Latin America and the Caribbean region;
- The United States of America – representing the North America region;
- Australia – representing the Oceania region;
- Mexico – as outgoing Chair of the Subgroup on Finance; and
- China, Panama, Switzerland and Togo as interested Parties.
The Strategic Plan Working Group was established through Decision SC59-20 with its mandate defined in Resolution XIV.4 on Review of the fourth Strategic Plan of the Convention on Wetlands, additions for the period COP14-COP15 and framework for the fifth Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan Working Group is composed of the following Contracting Parties:
Algeria, Australia, Bahrain, Brazil (proposed Co-Chair), Canada (proposed Co-Chair), Chad, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czechia, Eswatini, Finland, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Japan, Kenya, Mauritius, Mexico, Nicaragua, Oman, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Switzerland, Tunisia, Uganda, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and representatives of the STRP, International Water Management Institute, Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust, and Youth Engaged in Wetlands.
The Ramsar Youth Working Group is composed of the following Contracting Parties in accordance with Resolution XIV.12 on Strengthening Ramsar connections through youth:
- Congo – representing the Africa region;
- Iran (Islamic Republic of) and Iraq – representing the Asia region;
- Austria and Slovakia – representing the Europe region;
- Colombia – representing the Latin America and the Caribbean region;
- Mexico – representing the North America region;
- Australia – representing the Oceania region (interim Chair); and
- Costa Rica and the United Arab Emirates as interested Parties.
The Independent Advisory Committee (IAC) of the Wetland Cities Accreditation, with support from the Secretariat, will undertake a nomination process in advance of SC62 for new committee members. Current IAC membership remains in place until SC62. During SC61 the following Parties expressed interest in participating in the Independent Advisory Committee to be announced at SC62:
- Rwanda – representing the Africa region;
- China and Iran (Islamic Republic of) – representing the Asia region;
- Czechia – representing the Europe region;
- Columbia – representing the Latin America and the Caribbean region;
- The United States of America – representing the North America region; and
- The Republic of Korea – as Technical Advisor
The Standing Committee through Decision SC61-11 deferred the establishment of the COP15 Working Group until SC62.
The Secretariat will support a nomination process for the CEPA Oversight Panel in accordance with Annex 3 of Resolution XIV.8 on The new CEPA approach. Parties will be notified in due course of the process for nominations to the CEPA Oversight Panel.
Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands |