
Review of the Ramsar Convention’s governance

Date: 09.12.2019

SRI Executive is carrying out the review of the Ramsar Convention’s governance under the direction of the Effectiveness Working Group. To this end, a number of Contracting Parties and other stakeholders have been identified for 1:1 interviews. However, The Effectiveness working Group wishes to ensure that all Parties have the opportunity to provide their input on the process. Therefore, the link below will lead you to a survey which sets out the same questions that were asked in the 1:1 interviews. It will be extremely valuable for them to receive your input as well.

The survey will take approximately 30 to 40 minutes to fill out. The answers will be anonymous and SRI Executive will not be attributing any identity to any of the answers given. Your feedback will then be collated by them and fed into the analysis of the governance as set out in the Inception Report for the review.

We kindly ask that you complete the survey before 17th December, 2019.

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Susanne André (SRI Executive) at

Many thanks for your input and help.