Processes of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
Date: 29.05.2020
The Secretariat draws your attention to recent calls from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), inviting Governments and stakeholders to participate in the following processes:
Review of draft scoping reports for thematic assessments
A draft of the scoping report for the Nexus Assessment (assessment of the interlinkages among biodiversity, water, food and health in the context of climate change), will be available for review from 5 June to 31 July 2020.
A draft of the scoping report for the Transformative Change Assessment (assessment of the underlying causes of biodiversity loss, determinants of transformative change and options for achieving the 2050 vision for biodiversity) will be available for review from 3 July to 28 August 2020.
A “save the date” notification is available here. Notifications with details regarding access to the draft scoping reports will be issued by IPBES shortly before the review period starts.
Virtual workshop for national focal points
During the week of 6 July, a virtual workshop for IPBES national focal points will be held in the context of IPBES work on capacity-building, assisting focal points with the preparation and submission of review comments.
Nomination of experts for workshop on biodiversity and pandemics
The IPBES Multidisciplinary Expert Panel (MEP) and Bureau also decided to hold a virtual workshop on biodiversity and pandemics in the context of the scoping process for the nexus assessment in the week of 27-31 July 2020. The workshop will comprise about 20 experts and a call for nominations is open until 1 June 2020. Please see the notification here.
Interested experts should respond directly to IPBES through the processes detailed in the notifications mentioned above. The Secretariat also invites you to contact your respective IPBES National Focal Point regarding any country-specific processes or deadlines.
Other upcoming IPBES activities include:
The 15th meetings of the MEP and Bureau, week of 7 September 2020. Further information on modalities will follow in due course.
Call for the nomination of experts to assist with the scoping of the assessment on business and biodiversity (methodological assessment of the impact and dependence of business on biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people) in September/October 2020.
Review of the first order draft of the assessment of invasive alien species in September/October 2020.
IPCC/IPBES workshop on biodiversity and climate change – the workshop initially planned for 12-14 May had to be postponed due to COVID-19 and will be held at a date later in 2020;
Review of the second order draft of the chapters and first order draft of the summary for policymakers of the assessment on values and the assessment of the sustainable use of wild species planned for December 2020/January 2021.
Given the potential relevance of these IPBES processes for the work of the Convention and in line with Resolution XII.3, which welcomes cooperation with IPBES, the Secretariat would like to encourage you to contribute to these processes with special attention to matters of interest to the Convention on Wetlands.
Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands
28 rue Mauverney, CH-1196 Gland, Switzerland Tel. +41 22 999 0365; fax +41 22 999 0169 |