Wetland Conservation awards

Deadline for submission of nominations is 30 September 2024



The Ramsar Wetland Conservation Wise Use Award for Innovation category will favour nominees who demonstrate innovative actions supporting the conservation and wise use of wetlands, whether through new techniques or new approaches, which meet one or several of the following criteria:

  1. An innovation which is truly a new concept rather than a variation of an existing one;
  2. The demonstrable usefulness and impact of the innovation.
  3. Its demonstrable applicability, practicality, and replicability; and
  4. Wide recognition of the innovation.

The Ramsar Wetland Indigenous Peoples Conservation and Wise Use Award category will favour nominees (which may be groups or individuals) that demonstrate outstanding leadership in wetland projects either led by or involving, Indigenous Peoples and meet at least one of the following criteria:

  1. Achieved positive outcomes for the conservation and wise use of wetlands, particularly for key ecosystems or places of importance to Indigenous Peoples.
  2. Enhanced sustainable livelihoods and well-being of Indigenous Peoples through the wise use of wetlands.
  3. Promoted the traditional knowledge, innovations, and practices of Indigenous Peoples, and/or supported the connection of Indigenous Peoples to lands, seas, and territories.
  4. Implemented transformative projects that halt or reverse wetland loss and degradation, while integrating the values, world views, and knowledge systems of Indigenous Peoples;
  5. Demonstrated an enhanced role or recognition of Indigenous Peoples in the governance, management, or protection of wetlands, including at Wetlands of International Importance.

The Ramsar Conservation Award for Young Wetland Champions category will favour nominees who demonstrate innovative actions supporting the conservation and wise use of wetlands, whether through new techniques or new approaches and who meet the first criterion and one or several of the other following criteria:

  1. Individuals nominated should be between 18 and 30 years old at the time of nomination. The members and leader(s) of nominated groups should be within the same age range. Dates of birth will be requested;
  2. A proven and documented record of achievement in activities or projects on the conservation and wise use of wetlands. These may involve community work, research, awareness raising, restoration work, or any other activity undertaken to benefit wetlands.
  3. The activity or project should clearly refer to the mission of the Convention on Wetlands.
  4.  Projects or activities should either have been finalized during the last three years before the nomination or be in an advanced implementation stage to be considered.
I: Nominee
II: Nominator