
Displaying 51 - 100 of 232
Date Subject
20.11.2023 Strategic Plan online consultation workshops
20.11.2023 Brief on the Convention on Wetlands for the climate change conference
08.11.2023 Extension of deadline for Wetland City Accreditation applications
07.11.2023 Invitation to the fourth meeting of the Youth Working Group to the Convention on Wetlands, 30 November at 13:00 CET
03.11.2023 Diplomatic Note 2023/10: Preparation of National Reports for the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties
18.10.2023 Status of assessed contributions to the Convention on Wetlands, 30 Septembre 2023
17.10.2023 Submission of proposals on strengthening the process to include a Site on the Ramsar List
16.10.2023 Diplomatic Note 2023/9: 15th meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Wetlands
16.10.2023 Diplomatic Note 2023/8: 63rd meeting of the Standing Committee of the Convention on Wetlands, 3 to 7 June 2024
27.09.2023 First meeting of the Working Group on Institutional Strengthening
25.09.2023 Diplomatic Note 2023/7 - Report and Decisions of the 62nd meeting of the Standing Committee
24.08.2023 Livestream - 62nd meeting of the Standing Committee
21.08.2023 Capacity Needs for Fundraising and Resource Mobilization for Wetlands
09.08.2023 Strategic Plan 5 consultation process – online survey
09.08.2023 Strategic Plan Working Group - update
03.08.2023 Status of assessed contributions to the Convention on Wetlands, 30 June 2023
12.07.2023 Approval of STRP Workplan 2023-2025 in intersessional Decision
06.07.2023 Updated website for the Convention on Wetlands
22.06.2023 Intersessional online meeting of the Standing Committee, 29 June 2023, to consider the STRP work plan for 2023-2025
01.06.2023 Diplomatic Note 2023/6 Wetland City Accreditation – Call for applications
24.05.2023 Existing guidance and tools available to support the implementation of the Fourth Strategic Plan: 2022 Update
11.05.2023 Diplomatic Note 2023/4 The 62nd meeting of the Standing Committee of the Convention on Wetlands, 5-8 September 2023
04.05.2023 Diplomatic Note 2023/4 The 62nd meeting of the Standing Committee of the Convention on Wetlands, 4-8 September 2023
20.04.2023 Flore Lafaye de Micheaux appointed as Senior Advisor (Europe)
20.04.2023 Status of assessed contributions to the Convention on Wetlands, March 2023
03.04.2023 Diplomatic Note 2023/3 Call for proposals for new Ramsar Regional Initiatives
23.03.2023 Report on institutional strengthening of the Secretariat
20.03.2023 Reminder: Global Youth Workshops, 21 March
13.03.2023 Communique from the Chair of the Youth Working Group
10.03.2023 CEPA Oversight Panel membership for the 2023-2025 triennium
23.02.2023 Members of the Scientific and Technical Review Panel (STRP) for the 2023-2025 triennium
22.02.2023 Webinar - Advancing Transboundary Water Cooperation through commitments for the UN 2023 Water Conference
26.01.2023 Call for nomination of members of the CEPA Oversight Panel for the 2023-2025 triennium
24.01.2023 Diplomatic Note 2023/2 Resolutions and Report of the 14th meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties
19.01.2023 Invitation: A virtual panel discussion organized for World Wetlands Day 2023
16.01.2023 Diplomatic Note 2023/1: Annual contributions 2023
13.01.2023 Convention on Wetlands 2022 Year End Roundup
12.01.2023 Observing World Wetlands Day, 2 February 2023
13.12.2022 Standing Committee 2023-2025: Subgroups and Working Groups
07.12.2022 World Wetlands Day 2023 materials now online
05.12.2022 Diplomatic Note 2022/10 Report of COP14, reports and decisions of SC60 and SC61
23.11.2022 Correction: Invitation to nominate members of the Scientific and Technical Review Panel (STRP)
07.10.2022 Reminder Notification - High-Level Ministerial Segment of COP14
03.10.2022 Nominations to the Scientific and Technical Review Panel (STRP) of the Convention on Wetlands
26.09.2022 Notification: High-Level Ministerial Segment of COP14
31.08.2022 Notification: Important COP14 information
17.08.2022 Status of assessed contributions to the Convention on Wetlands
16.08.2022 Diplomatic Note 2022/8, Invitation to host the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties
05.08.2022 Diplomatic Note 2022/7 Secretary General of the Convention on Wetlands
29.07.2022 Ending my second term in the Ramsar Convention