26.07.2022 |
Diplomatic Note 2022/6, 14th Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands |
22.07.2022 |
Global Peatland Assessment |
07.07.2022 |
Diplomatic Note 2022/5 Report and decisions of the additional virtual resumed meeting of the 59th Standing Committee |
23.06.2022 |
Diplomatic Note 2022/4 Report and decisions of the resumed session of the 59th meeting of the Standing Committee |
23.06.2022 |
Ramsar Wetland Conservation Awards 2022 - Announcing the winners |
20.06.2022 |
Virtual meeting of the Standing Committee |
08.06.2022 |
Pitch for the Grant 2022: Danone and the Convention on Wetlands announce the winner |
19.05.2022 |
Provisional Working Programme of the resumed session of the 59th meeting of the Standing Committee |
11.05.2022 |
Reminder resumed session of the 59th meeting of the Standing Committee |
05.05.2022 |
Webinar: Wetlands and Climate Change |
26.04.2022 |
Status of assessed contributions to the Convention on Wetlands |
19.04.2022 |
Convention on Wetlands Newsletter |
08.04.2022 |
Diplomatic Note 2022/3 Secretary General of the Convention: Vacancy announcement |
01.04.2022 |
Resumed session of the 59th meeting of the Standing Committee |
11.03.2022 |
Follow up on matters related to the post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework |
08.02.2022 |
New videos on the Convention |
07.02.2022 |
Existing guidance and tools available to support the implementation of the Fourth Strategic Plan |
28.01.2022 |
Invitation to join the Working Group to prepare the new Strategic Plan of the Convention on Wetlands |
26.01.2022 |
25.01.2022 |
Get Ready for World Wetlands Day 2022 |
18.01.2022 |
Diplomatic Note 2022/1: Annual contributions 2022 |
14.01.2022 |
RSIS Training Webinar 2022 |
15.12.2021 |
Global Wetland Outlook: Special Edition 2021 now available |
13.12.2021 |
Convention on Wetlands Newsletter |
06.12.2021 |
Diplomatic Note 2021/15 |
01.12.2021 |
World Wetlands Day 2022 materials now online |
24.11.2021 |
Invitation to a webinar on Financing Mechanisms for Freshwater Ecosystems |
23.11.2021 |
Reminder: Status of assessed contributions to the Convention on Wetlands |
17.11.2021 |
Diplomatic note 2021/14 Report and decisions of the resumed 59th meeting of the Standing Committee |
09.11.2021 |
Reminder: Diplomatic Note 2021/13 Resolutions of the Third Extraordinary Meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties |
01.11.2021 |
Diplomatic Note 2021/12, resumed session Third Extraordinary meeting of the COP to the Convention on Wetlands |
26.10.2021 |
Reminder submission of credentials for the ExCOP3 to the Convention on Wetlands |
15.10.2021 |
Resumed closed session of the Standing Committee |
13.10.2021 |
Extension of registration to 18 October: Third extraordinary meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties |
12.10.2021 |
Advice from the Legal Advisor on submission of new draft resolutions |
12.10.2021 |
Angola becomes the 172nd Party to the Convention |
06.10.2021 |
Reminder: Diplomatic Note 2021/7 Third extraordinary meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties |
02.09.2021 |
50th Anniversary of the Convention on Wetlands - campaign update |
01.09.2021 |
Diplomatic Note 2021/10, Adoption of the United Nations General Assembly Resolution on World Wetlands Day |
31.08.2021 |
Reminder: SC59 Closed Session September 2021 |
26.08.2021 |
Call for nomination of experts and fellows for IPBES thematic assessments |
24.08.2021 |
Update to Contracting Parties on the designation of the 2nd of February as World Wetlands Day by the UNGA |
19.08.2021 |
Diplomatic Note 2021/7 Third extraordinary meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties |
11.08.2021 |
Update to Contracting Parties on the designation of the 2nd of February as World Wetlands Day by the UNGA |
09.08.2021 |
SC59 Closed Session September 2021 |
16.07.2021 |
Briefing note to Contracting Parties on the designation of the 2nd of February as World Wetlands Day by the UNGA |
16.07.2021 |
Reminder: Status of assessed contributions to the Convention on Wetlands |
09.07.2021 |
Diplomatic Note 2021/6 Extraordinary meeting of the Conference of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Wetlands |
09.07.2021 |
Diplomatic Note 2021/5, Report and decisions of the 59th meeting of the Standing Committee at its meeting of 22-25 June 2021 |
02.07.2021 |
Invitation High-Level Virtual Event “Wetlands: Key Enablers for a Resilient and Sustainable Recovery” |