25.01.2021 |
Diplomatic Note 2021/1: Annual contributions 2021 |
21.01.2021 |
Invitation to the Online Panel Discussion on the occasion of the World Wetlands Day 2021: |
04.12.2020 |
The Convention on Wetlands: Survey on guidance on mainstreaming gender |
04.12.2020 |
50th Anniversary communications campaign |
30.11.2020 |
Extension of deadline online survey, 5th Joint Work Plan CBD-Convention on Wetlands |
30.11.2020 |
World Wetlands Day 2021 materials now online |
27.11.2020 |
Save the Date: Wetlands as Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) |
13.11.2020 |
Diplomatic Note 2019/7: Reminder - Preparation of National Reports for COP14 |
27.10.2020 |
Save the Date: Preparation of National Reports Training Webinar |
23.10.2020 |
Reminder: Status of assessed contributions to the Convention on Wetlands |
02.10.2020 |
Diplomatic Note 2020/9: Cancellation of the 58th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Convention on Wetlands |
01.10.2020 |
Save the Date: National Wetlands Inventories Training Webinar |
16.09.2020 |
Save the Date: Resource Mobilization Training Webinar on Grant writing |
10.08.2020 |
Survey on managing coastal blue carbon ecosystem |
30.07.2020 |
Call for proposals for new Ramsar Regional Initiatives 2021-2024 |
27.07.2020 |
Call for case studies on gender and wetlands |
16.07.2020 |
Reminder: Status of assessed contributions to the Convention on Wetlands |
08.07.2020 |
Diplomatic Note 2020/7: Report and Decisions of the intersessional virtual meeting of the Standing Committee |
29.05.2020 |
Processes of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services |
28.05.2020 |
Review of decisions of the Standing Committee of the Convention on Wetlands |
19.05.2020 |
Diplomatic Note 2020/6: Intersessional Process of the 58th meeting of the Standing Committee |
07.05.2020 |
RSIS Training Webinar 2020 |
28.04.2020 |
Preregistration for the SC58 of the Convention on Wetlands, 26-30 October 2020 |
23.04.2020 |
Diplomatic Note 2020/4: Postponement of the 58th meeting of the Standing Committee |
07.04.2020 |
The status of assessed contributions to the Convention on Wetlands |
30.03.2020 |
Operations of the Secretariat of the Convention on Wetlands in light of the Coronavirus pandemic |
17.03.2020 |
From the STRP Chair: STRP follow up work and preparation for the SC58 |
13.03.2020 |
Message From the Secretary General: Appointment of New STRP Chair |
09.03.2020 |
Information related to the 23rd meeting of the Scientific and Technical Review Panel |
25.02.2020 |
Diplomatic Note 2020/2: 58th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Convention on Wetlands |
25.02.2020 |
Resource mobilization training webinar |
20.02.2020 |
Matters related to the post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework |
14.02.2020 |
World Wetlands Day 2020 - Wetlands and biodiversity |
20.01.2020 |
Diplomatic Note 2020/1: Annual contributions 2020 |
12.12.2019 |
Toolkit for national wetland inventories: Consultation |
09.12.2019 |
Review of the Ramsar Convention’s governance |
03.12.2019 |
World Wetlands Day 2020 materials now online! |
28.11.2019 |
Diplomatic Note 2019/8: Reminder for the attention of Contracting Parties with outstanding annual contributions |
10.10.2019 |
Diplomatic Note 2019/7: Preparation of National Reports for COP14 |
01.10.2019 |
Survey: A new approach for CEPA implementation |
26.09.2019 |
Review of the Rules of Procedure: Request for comments |
02.09.2019 |
Processes of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) |
12.08.2019 |
Ramsar Inputs to the post-2020 global biodiversity framework process |
31.07.2019 |
Diplomatic Note 2019/6: Report and decisions of the 57th meeting of the Standing Committee |
26.07.2019 |
Diplomatic Note 2019/5: Wetland City Accreditation - Call for applications |
25.07.2019 |
Ramsar Convention on Wetlands: National wetland inventories survey |
16.05.2019 |
57th meeting of the Ramsar Standing Committee: Online pre-registration |
29.04.2019 |
Call for nomination of members of the CEPA Oversight Panel for the 2019-2021 triennium |
11.04.2019 |
Review of the Ramsar Strategic Plan: Template to evaluate implementation efforts |
05.04.2019 |
STRP 2019-2021 draft work plan for consultation |